The effiency decreases at higher altitudes
The higher up a person is on a mountain, the thinner the air is due to the lack of plants that can grow. An example of this is Mount Everest. At a certian point on the mountain, called the "Death Zone", the air is too thin to supply enough oxygen to the human body to survive. That's why they bring oxygen tanks with them on their adventures.
Some may assume that movement and locomotion are the same, but these two words have certain differences. Movement is known to be the time when a living organism will move from one place to another. Locomotion means that the movement that the living organism did has made changes to the current position of the organism.
70% solution is more effective
The 70% solution is more effective at inhibiting microbial growth than the 100% solution of the ethyl alcohol.
This is because the pure ethyl alcohol coagulates the protein that is in contact with it.
Also, pure alcohol will tend to evaporate faster than the 70% solution of the ethyl alcohol and it will not be that much effective.
Water enters the soil in a process called infiltration, and then moves downward through the soil in a process called percolation.