The queen arrived at the palace and the king said to her, "I thought you were wise. That young man has some of the devil inside
him. This time I will go." The king had an iron cage made to take with him. He dressed up like a poor shepherd. He found Manuel in his hut and he said, "Young man, what are you doing here?" "I am fattening three rabbits to take to the king," Manuel said. "Rabbits? How strange!" said the king. "I would like to see rabbits in these hot mountains!" —“Manuel Had a Riddle,” Virginia Hamilton How is the king characterized in this selection? He is careful of his wife’s feelings. He is tricky and suspicious. He is lazy and not willing to do his own work. He is generous with his time and money.I WILL GIVE THE BRAINLIEST ANSWER
The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. The Great Wall is made up of many different walls and fortifications built over the course of more than two thousand years. The Great Wall is over 13,000 miles long.
All the other sentences seem a little off-topic. But the second sentence does it perfectly.