Supply and demand! The prices will rise until the supply will reach the demand.
The reason why Prometheus was punished was;
D. For stealing a spark from the heavens
Prometheus was punished by Zeus because Zeus vowed to revenge the act of Prometheus's stealing a spark of fire from Hephaestus, the god of fire, and metalworking and a son of Zeus and took it to humans whom Zeus had initially punished by holding back fire from humans so that humans will eat meat raw for being tricked by Prometheus into choosing the portion of the bull with bones while the animal flesh that was not chosen was given to humans.
Let’s do a Knock, knock joke! Knock, knock!
Many North African nations practice Islam because many Muslims traded in that region, so the North Africans converted to Islam, whereas those in Sub-Saharan African nations were more prone to Christianity because of the trade they did with Europeans.