Plainchant is a kind of medieval church music which includes chorusing or words which are sung, without any instrumental complement. It is also called plainsong.
Plainchant is similar to the Gregorian Chant, which we have confronted while studying about early music forms. Gregorian Chant is a modification of plainchant which is a simplistic kind of music is the conventional recitative. Recitative songs are governed by a single pitch, proclaimed as the reciting tone.
Professor plum is showing the detached style of listening. This type of listener are intellectually not present in a conversation although they are present physically. In the situation described clearly the professor was not listening to what Roberto was saying.
China and Japan react as they did to the Europeans' desire to trade with them in order to show that they are self-sufficient. <span>The rise of the West from the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries involved distant explorations and conquests resulting in a heightening and redefining of relationships among world societies. </span>
Answer: Chlorals Street, TX
Andrea who is working in grocery store was recently fired from her job as a purchaser. The reason for her dismissal as given to her was the continuous decaying of the meat and other produce in the stockroom.
Andrea fail to accomplish the objective as a purchaser in the grocery store. Andrea was not aware of the materials at the stockroom and she purchase more and more produce and meats which leads to the wastage.
She failed to make sure the materials needed were in proper amount. Andrea purchased meat and produce in large quantities, more than what is required. This made an excess of produce and meat and lead to rotting and wastage.