See synonyms for: marine / marines on Elementary Level. adjective. of or relating to the sea; existing in or produced by the sea: marine vegetation. pertaining to navigation or shipping; nautical; naval; maritime.
The name for the tail-like appendage would be flagella
I would start on Evaporation. I will then have to go through condensation, then precipitation, then a surface runoff then into groundwater which will start the evaporation process all over again :)
Tahukah kamu, mengapa motor berhenti di depan lampu merah?
karena motornya direm. Coba kalau nggak direm bisa bahaya tuh.
Tebak binatang apa yang jago renang?
Bebek. Kalau ikan bukan renang tapi menyelam
Kenapa di rel kereta api ditaruh batu?
Soalnya kalau ditaruh duit nanti pada diambil.
A type of standing-water habitat in which the soil is acidic and decay is slow is called a <u>bog</u>.