1. acquisition
2. isolationism
3. protectorate
1. The word acquisition refers to whatever we obtain. This means that we can call our acquisition <u>whatever is in our possession.</u>
We can acquire something through buying: for example <em>if you buy a house, it is your </em><em>acquisition</em>.
Another example of an acquisition can also be a <em>skill </em><em>that you acquire through practice.
2. Isolationism is a term that refers to <em>foreign policies</em>. If a country’s foreign policy is based on isolationism, it means that <u>they prefer not to involve in other countries’ affairs</u>, whether they be good or conflictual.
However, <u>this does not mean that the country cannot involve in international affairs</u> when it is in their interest. They just refuse to pick sides when they are not involved.
3. Protectorate is a term referring to relationships between two nations.
When a smaller nation is put <em>under the protectorate</em> of a bigger nation, this means that <u>it is granted a certain degree of autonomy, although it still remains somehow dependent of the other.</u>
This type of status can benefit the smaller nation since <em>it retains control at local level</em>, while <u>its sovereign interferes whenever it needs protection.