After the explosion of the USS Maine, the US public was whipped up into an anti-Spanish hysteria. Despite Spain's desire to avoid war and President William McKinley's distaste for war, the yellow press continued feeding the public's appetite for anti-Spanish news. Hawks like then-Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt loudly criticized the reluctant McKinley for being weak and afraid.
Nordic countries have progressive childcare policies meaning women aren't faced with the decision between work or their children. Due to generous childcare, maternity, and parental leave policies women feel more inclined to participate in their government.
They spread like wildfire. For a new factory to beat the competition, it had to be built quickly. Laborers needed fast, cheap housing located close to work. Roads would be hastily built to connect the factory with the market. There was no grand design, and consequently, the new American city spread unpredictably. Urban sprawl had begun. But the growing beast brought benefits that raised the standard of living to new heights. The modern American city was truly born in the Gilded Age. The bright lights, tall buildings, material goods, and fast pace of urban life emerged as America moved into the 20th century. However, the marvelous horizon of urban opportunity was not accessible to all. Beneath the glamour and glitz lay social problems previously unseen in the United States.
I am not familiar with these terms, but if by “war party” you mean Patriots fighting from independence from Great Britain and by “peace party” you mean Loyalists supporting Great Britain, then hopefully this helps :)
War Party/Patriots:
-felt they were being treated unfairly by the British
-did not want to be taxed without even being given the opportunity to have proper representation in government aka Parliament
-during the Boston Massacre, rowdy Patriots mocked British soldiers stationed in Boston. The British soldiers responded with gunfire, killing a few people. This attack further spurred on the Patriots’ desire for freedom.
Peace Party/Loyalists:
-believed there was no point in fighting against the mightiest nation w/ a big, trained militia who have the proper resources and experience to fight
-they felt that life would be better under England’s rule. Since they were already an established country, it would be simpler to just obey King George.
-the colonies would profit from trade w/ England
-believed the American colonies would be weak without the leadership and strength of Great Britain to guide them