Calvin's idea is that the "elect" are those that are predestined for heaven, that who will go to heaven and hell is predetermined by God. This meant for a more liberal place in society, because what you actually did in life and what others did, didn't matter as much, you couldn't change your fate.
Germany not being punished in the war would have made the nazi party more of a fringeparty
It was during the Cold War era that two economic philosophies were predominant: Capitalism and communism--with the United States advocating for the former and the USSR advocating for the latter.
A clown is a comic performer who employs slapstick or similar types of physical comedy, often ... For this reason, clowning is often considered an important part of training as a ... It is in this sense that Clown is used as the name of fool characters in ... Features are exaggerated in size, and are typically red and black in color.