1. We buy medicine at the pharmacy.
2. We buy meat at the butchers.
3. We buy magazines at the bookstores.
4. We change our hairstyle at the barbers.
5. We refill a car's gas tank at the gas station.
Confused but okay Ain''t yall keep the fellow's pen?
Important words in a text are most often highlighted in bold print.
Basically A map is a symbolic representation of selected characteristics of a place, usually drawn on a flat surface. Maps present information about the world in a simple, visual way. They teach about the world by showing sizes and shapes of countries, locations of features, and distances between places.
Humans living in or near the town.
Rachel Carson's short fairytale "A Fable For Tomorrow" is one of her collection of stories in her book "Silent Spring". This fable pictures a town full of life that suddenly changes to a deserted town after numerous maladies and illnesses overtook it.
Though the story started off with a quaint, nice, and peaceful town, it slowly progresses into a deserted, imaginary town. This was because of the <em>"a white granular powder [that] had fallen like snow upon the roofs and the lawns, the fields, and streams."</em> Though Carson admits in the end that this is no real story of any town, in particular, it still can be a possibility in many parts of America. And the source of this <em>"white powder"</em> is, as Carson wants to point out, the frequent use of pesticides and chemicals by humans.
Thus, the correct answer is the last option.