The answer is dispositional and situational, respectively.
A dispositional attribution judgement holds a person's internal traits as responsible for an outcome. In the example, you think the skier fell due to his lack of skills.
On the other hand, a situational attribution holds the conditions of the environment or the situation as responsible for the outcome.
Studies show that <u>situational attribution is more common when judging our own outcomes</u>, especially when negative.
Answer: General
General deterrence theory is the justice concept in terms of crime that holds back illegal and criminal activities done by people. It is based on the punishment and penalties as the consequence of the illegal act conducted by any person which discourages other people from doing the same.
As the punishment is severe, it creates an environment of fear in mind of people and thus they do not attempt such type of criminal acts which can lead to the same punishment.
3. Observational learning
Observational learning is a learning process that occurs by observing the behaviour of others.
Here, an individual learns basically from a model.
Model here means higher authority or people we look up to or admire.
The model can be teachers, parents, siblings, etc.
Most learned activities were through observstional learning, example putting On the television.
Free market- a large selection of products is available
limited gov. power- gov. can't define what you can or can't buy/ sell
some gov role -make sure products are fresh and no sell/ buy slave/ mistreated animals
competition- keep quality high and prices low
private ownership- you can "own" things, as long as you pay no one can take away from you
free business- any one can be a store owner as long as you pay for good and license, anyone can sell