While settlers traveled west along the Oregon Trail for a variety of reasons, most were motivated either by land or gold. Various land acts in Oregon provided free land to pioneers, while the start of the California Gold Rush in 1848 lured thousands more.
Between 1920 and until the early 1940s, the only communist country was the Soviet Union, where the first communist revolution, led by Vladimir Lenin, was successful in 1917.
From the early 1940s onward, communism began to expand rapidly to many areas in the world. For example, after the end of World War II, the Soviet Union expanded communism in Eastern European Countries like Poland, Hungary, and Romania, where it installed puppet governments.
In 1949, another important country became comunist: China. Led by Mao Zedong, the Chinese communists won the civil war against the Chinese nationalists (the Kuomintang, who later fled to Taiwan). In the same year, the Chinese People's Republic was proclaimed.
A military station in Hawaii would allow for the US to have a Pacific base on American soil. Some of America's largest enemies are in the East (China and North Korea) and a military base in the Pacific would allow us to have more control over the area, while still being on American soil. Being on US soil will allow us to have better access to supplies and logistics, as well as avoiding any problems with the allied nations that we would have to set up base in otherwise (such as problems the military faces with their bases in Okinawa).
Slavery in Latin America was practiced in precolonial times.
During the Atlantic slave trade, Latin America was the main destination of millions of African people transported from Africa to French, Portuguese, and Spanish colonies. Slavery's legacy is the presence of large Afro-Latino populations.