1. The scientific idea was to question everything’s and to question things we don’t know
2. They took the ideas of science and questioned what they didn’t know. Previously the unknown was answer by saying it was magic or it was by god
3. Heliocentric theory, the human body such as the heart and how the veins work, new medication
4. Through the printing press which published more books was well as coffee houses and salons.
5. They used the idea of question everything to question absolute monarchy’s. So they questioned the role of kings and social classes. Writers like Lock and Rossuo would theorize popular sovereignty.
6. Rossuo came up with the theory of popular sovereignty. This would lead to absolute monarchs not caring about there people so the idea of popular sovereignty was the influence for the French Revolution which ended with Napoleon so he spread those ideas through Europe so eventually most countries would experience revolution
8. Popular sovereignty where they out they out the will of the people before their selfs.
The Antiballistic Missile Treaty was created because the countries involved needed limitations on the ways that the they could use anti-ballistic missile systems. The treaty was signed by two countries: the United States and the Soviet Union. In 2002, the United States withdrew from the treaty since it was the only remaining party that followed the treaty. After the United States withdrew from the treaty, it was terminated.
many average citizens picked the Anti Federalists side because there was a fear that a strong government would be dominated by the wealthy and they felt that the new federal government the Federalists wanted would have too much power. Small farmers were content with the colonies government and didn’t care about the union.
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