Answer: The plant has two identical alleles for the gene that codes for the trait.
you know what to do with a different type
Answer: D
. the passage of Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments was signed into law in 1972 during the Nixon Presidency and has been hailed for its impact in contributing substantially to the advancement of women's athletics.
The basic provision of the law was that any school that received federal funding, had to be ensure that there was no discrimination based on sex in their school. This was used extensively to ensure that females in schools could participate in sports and athletics and grow in the sport.
The greatest similitude between zoroastrianism and judaism is their belief in good and evil. In zoroastrianism, good is represented by Ahura Mazda and evil by Ahriman, and in judaism is Yahway and Satan. Both religions took the same message and converted according to their culturual idiosincracies.
The main difference in both religions is in their concept of deidity. While judaism belief in a single God and the teachings of their rabbis and prophets, in zoroastrianism God is a good deidity battling a cosmic battle against the God of evil.
The Mogul empire was founded by Babur