To save the course object instances in an array, use;
Course[] courses = new Course[7];
courses[0] = new Course("IT 145");
courses[1] = new Course("IT 200");
courses[2] = new Course("IT 201");
courses[3] = new Course("IT 270");
courses[4] = new Course("IT 315");
courses[5] = new Course("IT 328");
courses[6] = new Course("IT 330");
The java statement above assigns an array of size 7 with the course class constructor, then order courses are assigned to the respective indexes of the new array.
Resheach thngs that instrest him and that fit the guidlines
I would think option A.
b doesn't give enough information and c would go under last work experience
float bookExamplePrice = 15.25;
float bookTax = 7.5;
float bookShippingPrice = 2.0;
float Test = bookExamplePrice / 100;
float Tax = Test * bookTax;
float FullPrice = Tax + bookExamplePrice + bookShippingPrice;
// I don't know how to remove the numbers after the first two decimals.
// I tested this program. It works!
// The text after the two slashes don't run when you compile them.
printf("Price: $%.6f\n",FullPrice);
First, input at the end of column A (containing High Priority Customers Sales Out): =sum(A1:A20) This represents the sum of the values from cell A1 to cell A20. Then, to calculate the percentage of each cell in A, input the formula: =(A1/$A$21)*100 This formula will give you the percentage of A1, if you drag the box down to A20, you will have all the percentages of each sale from A1 to A20. Then, format the cell using the percentage number format with no decimal places. Select column D then right click, "format cells" and select number, adjust the number of decimal places. <span />