The relationship between Prospero and Caliban-correct on apex
You're our 10,000th customer, so everything you buy today is free! The Cashier shouted excitedly. The boy was confused. He was only there to get 1 thing, but now he could have anything they had in the store. He was delighted that he could literally buy everything in the store.
"what should I get. Cookies, Coke , and Candy, or every Xbox game Known to man?"
Then he looked over and saw an old Women and a little girl. They where trying to buy fruits and vegetables, but they couldn't afford them
"Please I don't get payed for another week, please I'll will pay you back when I get my Paycheck." The old lady wept.
The boy then knew how he should use his new Found fortune.
The author's main purpose was the explain that the Community Service Council was effectual to high school students. The personal backstory was to add more evidence of the effectiveness.
Im my opinoin id say both a and d but id go wit d to be safe