Nouns: Carrie, kitten, joe, the mable family
Personal pronouns: It, he, them, she
Major conflict. Ellen continually suffers abuse by her neglectful caretakers and searches for a stable home and loving family. rising action. Ellen is placed in a number of temporary homes, all of which are unhappy, and she longs for a home where she is loved and cared for.
9, 18, and 27 are three numbers that have a GCF of 9
A claim letter (also called a claim message) is a type of a persuasive letter identifying a problem with a product or service, sent by a customer to an agency or business. It may also be referred to as a letter of complaint.
When writing a claim message, you should focus on the most important facts. No unnecessary details, like a blow-by-blow chronology, are needed. You should include the reason for writing, what went wrong and what you'd like to happen. An effective claim message is written in a formal style, as anger and emotion are not an effective method of persuasion.