D: Djenn'e-Djeno. Songhai collapsed, Mali fell to Songhai, and Ghana fell centuries earlier than Morocco's existance.
The development of such major Sudanic kingdoms and empires as Ghana, Mali, Songhai, the Hausa states, and Kanem-Bornu along the southern fringes of the Sahara had a number of important consequences for the history of western Africa as a whole
They made it harder for an immigrant to become a citizen, allowed the president to imprison and deport non-citizens who were deemed dangerous or who were from a hostile nation, and criminalized making false statements that were critical of the federal government. The Federalists argued that the bills strengthened national security during the Quasi War, while critics argued that they were primarily an attempt to suppress voters who disagreed with the Federalist party and its teachings, and violated the right of freedom of speech in the First Amendment.[
Purpose of the Constitution. The primary purpose of the Constitution is to provide a sense of direction to the organization of the three branches of the U.S. Government. The draft outlines the individual and combined powers of each branch, while reserving the rights of each individual state.