A.air molicules touch the ground warming them up.
Answer: depolarization
On depolarization, the sodium gates in the neuron membrane closes after sodium ions flow inside, while potassium gates open causing potassium ions to flow out and reestablish the original resting potential of the membrane.
The rapid change in membrane potential from resting to action potential is DEPOLARIZATION
Refusing to
follow the prescribed treatment regimen, a client plans to leave the hospital
against medical advice. The nurse recognizes that it is important to inform the
client that he or she Must accept full responsibility for possible undesirable
c. More oxygen and less carbon dioxide
The composition of air in the layers between the soil is called soil atmosphere or gas.
The maximum percentage of gas in soil is nitrogen with 79.2 %. Then it is oxygen with 20.6 % and the last is carbon dioxide with 0.25 %. These gases are required in order to maintain life under the ground. The roots of trees and the microorganisms require soil atmosphere to carry out their functions.