The prime minister is the leader of the party that wins the most seats in general
Proclaimed the right of the United States to police the Caribbean areas.
In 1904, after the Venezuela crisis, President Theodore Roosevelt in his State of the Union address made an addition to the Monroe Doctrine known as the Roosevelt Corollary.
The Roosevelt Corollary proclaimed the right of the United States to police the Caribbean areas.
This ultimately implies that, United States of America will have the powers to intervene in any conflict between the European countries (Germany, Britain and Italy) and Latin American countries (Caribbean and Central America) to enforce legitimate claims of the European powers instead of having them press their claims or charges directly on the Latin American countries. Also, that the United States of America has the right to use the international police (Interpol) to restore law and order around the world.
The Temperance Movement was a movement against the consumption of alcoholic beverages. In this image, there are alcoholic beverages labeled ‘booze’ that are holding up signs saying, “we cause poverty and crime” and “we make people poor” etc. this explains how ‘booze’ is taking a negative toll on people’s health’s, personalities and family lives.
This is a question with many answers, my personal answer would be
It isnt good to have trade as the building blocks of your nation. If your trade is cash crops and you get a drought, you will have nothing to trade. It isnt good to do such a thing because it isnt a reliable or fixed income.
The answer could be that how his family and White House mislead the public about his illness. James Reston comments that journalists do not take the health of candidates seriously and that needs to change.