Most of the indigenous people are forced to adopt the Christian religion and the language of the conquerors, having the same luck the natives bought in Africa and brought to America as slaves. It also led the way of life typical of western civilization, cities, hospitals, universities, appearing individual law in America - indigenous civilizations affected a collective law. Clothing was remarkably transformed, according to the Christian religion, introducing new customs related to health and hygiene, and from the Enlightenment, Western science with its methods. While the History of the Philippines shows a large number of influences, cultures and races that settled and mixed in the archipelago. ... After the occupation of the Japanese Empire during World War II and its subsequent defeat, the Philippines achieved total independence from the United States in July 1946, that is why also the majority of Filipinos were taken by means of conquerors in order to enslave them without any right in their charge
Imperialism (generally in the form of an empire) —which is based on ideas of superiority and applying domination practices— is the set of practices that imply the extension of authority and control of one State or people over another. It can also be a political doctrine that justifies the domination of one people or State over others; usually through different types of colonization (settlement, economic exploitation, strategic military presence) or cultural subordination (acculturation). The American sociologist Lewis Samuel Feuer identified two main subtypes of imperialism: the first is "regressive imperialism" identified with pure conquest, unequivocal exploitation, reductions of unwanted peoples, and the settlement of desired peoples in those territories. The second type identified by Feuer is "progressive imperialism" which is based on a cosmopolitan vision of humanity, which promotes the expansion of civilization to supposedly backward societies to raise the standards of life and culture in the conquered territories, and the assignment of conquered people to assimilate into imperial society. Although the terms "imperialism" and "colonialism" are closely related, they are not synonymous.
Imperialism appeared throughout the world, and it spread throughout many territories, thus making this political practice more dominant.
The main axis of imperialism is always an authoritarian figure who decides above others and who is the one with the most power. Nowadays, with democracy, this imperial structure is practically not taken as a means of government in most of the countries of the world. world
- Lack of outlets for water to escape and relatively impermeable soil at the bottom of the lake.
Salinity is characterized as the 'quality of being salty or containing salt in a solution.' The geological factors that might assist in elaborating the salinity of The Dead Sea would include 'the absence of outlets allowing water to escape and comparatively resistant soil at the core of the lake.' It will help in explaining the high concentration of salt at the bottom of the sea which makes it one of the saltiest water bodies across the globe.
they are offering a negative incentive so society continues to see their drivers as
there are many different cultures
there are different practices
different languages spoken in different countries
Ya, teknologi hijau membantu pembangunan masyarakat berilmu yang mendorong ke arah mempraktikkan tenaga lestari dan cara hidup lebih baik. Kita boleh hidup lebih lestari jika kita menjadi seorang yang lebih celik alam sekitar, belajar daripada alam semula jadi, hidup dengan lebih sederhana dan menjadi rakyat yang aktif dalam membangunkan alam sekitar.