. Religion - Jamaican culture is like Conservative America wherein God is a very important concept in our daily lives. Most people, even if they are not truly ' born again' revere God immensely and try not to stray too far from biblical teachings. Also, spirituality plays a major role in the average Jamaican's life. Our ancestors, evil spirits and good spirits are things that we believe walk with us through life. I am not referring to voodoo or obeah or any other such practices. I am referring to the understanding that this world is not just what we see physically.
2. Partly Matriarchal - Mothers in Jamaica are second to God. They are greatly adored and revered. Even if a father is actively present in a child's life, their mother is usually the gem. This is why if you curse a Jamaican about his/her mother the argument immediately escalates.
3. Blunt - Generally, Jamaicans don't mince words. We are generally very blunt people. Political correctness is something that is being adopted now but it is not a part of our culture. When our former Prime Minister said in the Hard Talk interview that he will not have gays in his Cabinet that is a prime example of this bluntness. The PC thing would be to say he doesn't care about what people do in private but he didn't get that memo. :)
4. Hustlers - The average Jamaican never stops working/hustling. Making money to survive is essential and once you get to working age that's what you learn - work, work, work. Over half of the population lives in or very close to poverty and with the seasonality of tourism, agriculture and construction most people spend at least 3 months every year partially employed or unemployed. That is why so many of them come to America and have 3 jobs at once.
5. Laid-back - When we are not working, we are relaxing. Jamaicans are generally very easy-to-use going people that try not to take life too seriously. Playing games, creating and listening music and telling jokes are how we cope with the stresses of life. Generally Jamaicans are great storytellers and comedians. This may be why we don't have many drug abusers. 'Laugh and grow' is a popular maxim.
6. View of the world - This one is true of almost all Jamaicans, rich or poor. We believe, as messed up as our economy is, that our country is one of the best in the world. We see the world as a place to make the money that is absent here so as to come back here later and enjoy. The world is our workplace and Jamaica is home. The Jamaican dream is to emigrate to work for better salaries. To earn the almighty US dollar or British pound is the Jamaican dream.
pls give brainliest