On New York Times, written by Sabrina Tavernize last 2016, she revealed that not any factor can cause it. However, it can be triggered through social media. It normally is evident among adolescents where insecurities are said t be high. Social media became a game to gain favor and popularity. It establishes popularity through the number of friends and the numerous things they do in school. It also added that young aged people start being young women in their age.
It further pointed girls as having higher rates of being prone to depression unlike the rate of boys.
The correct answer is C.
In a market economy, economic outcomes are determined by the free interactions of economic agents (households, corporations and public sector) in the markets, where they act either as producers or consumers, defining with their choices (production or<u> purchase choices, respectively), the prices and the quantities exchanged of every good and service. </u>
Photo processing is no longer in demand as a career because digital technology has largely replaced the use of film.
Careers like photo processing are no longer in high demand because technology has advanced and now photos being taken are largely digital format and this had done away with a lot of the need to process photos manually using chemical agents. The principal means of processing photos using a gelatin-silver process required soaking the photo in a series of different baths like the developer bath, the stop bath, and the fixer bath. Gelatin silver printing has been the most common process for photographers to develop black and white photographs since the 1890s when photography started to become more widespread and commonplace. Digital photography has revolutionized the way that the average person takes photographs and there is no longer much demand at all for cameras that use old-fashioned film.
Criteron validity is the correct answer.