Death is the permanent, irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. The remains of a previously living organism normally begin to decompose shortly after death. Death is an inevitable, universal process that eventually occurs in all living organisms.
Answer: c. Delusions
A delusion refers to a state of mind in which a person believes a falsehood to be the truth even when that falsehood is not logical. June is therefore likely suffering from a delusion in which she believes that President Donald Trump is her daughter's father which is not logical because she has never met him much less copulated with him in order to create a baby. Delusions are known to be reinforced by coincidences that are being misinterpreted such as Donald Trump calling her daughter's name on television making her think he is talking to the daughter when in fact he was just making a speech that happened to include her name.
The <br> tag inserts a single line break. The <br> tag is an empty tag which means that it has no end tag.
A person who organizes and oversees an entire trafficking transaction is called "contractor". This term is used because it is compared to a general contractor in a business with legal activities. A general contractor, in that case, is who oversees the progress of the project and probably organizes and delegates.