Verbs are action words such as "running,swimming ect" pronouns are things like "he,her,him ect" nouns are a person place or thing such as "Donald Trump, Mcdonalds and a box"
Verb – A verb is a word that describes action or a state of being. The second part of this definition is important, as many believe that verbs are always action words that can be visualized. This is true of action verbs: run, walk, play, jump, sing, scream, etc.
Pronoun – A pronoun is a word that is used to replace a noun For example, instead of saying “Sam likes pizza” we can use “He” as a substitute for Sam. Writers need to be careful with pronoun use, as pronouns should only be used after a noun has been used first, and it must be clear which noun the pronoun is replacing.
Noun – A noun is generally defined as a person, place, or thing; however, ideas are also nouns. For example, love is not a tangible thing that can be seen or held, but clearly it exists, so it is a also a noun.
When Charlie asks about Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, Grandpa Joe tells him lots of stories, including the one about Prince Pondicherry. He also tells Charlie about the spies, and those mysterious workers who never leave the factory.