The financial crisis happened because banks were able to create too much money, too quickly, and used it to push up house prices and speculate on financial markets.
The underwater search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has come to an end, with passengers’ families informed that the effort to find the plane has been suspended.
Next of kin were told in an emailed statement on Tuesday that Australian authorities’ underwater search of 120,000 sq km in the southern Indian ocean had concluded without success after more than two years.
The MH370 Tripartite Joint Communiqué was co-signed by the transport ministers of Malaysia, China and Australia, representing the three countries involved in the search. It was made public at 2pm Malaysia time.
First, both Mary Beth Tinker and John Tinker are suspended from school; as a result, the Tinker family sues Des Moines Community School district. The Court judgement is in favour of the Des Moines school district; the Tinker family appeals the ruling; The appelate Court of Appeals also rules in favour of the Des Moines school district. As a consequence the Tinker family appeal to the Supreme Court; after hearing the case, the Supreme Court finally ruled in favour of the Tinkers.