1000 + 5027445423 = 5027446423
The correct options are 2 and 4.
Step-by-step explanation:
From the given box plot it is clear that
We know that these number divides the data in four equal parts.
25% of the data values lies between 50 and 110. Therefore option 1 is incorrect.
Seventy-five percent of the data values lies between 20 and 50. Therefore option 2 is correct.
It is unlikely that there are any outliers. This statement is not true because the is a huge difference between third quartile and maximum value.
Therefore option 3 is incorrect.
The interquartile range is
Therefore option 4 is correct.
The range is
Range = Maximum-Minimum
Therefore option 5 is incorrect.
Step-by-step explanation:
I hope this helps
a. True
Step-by-step explanation:
Based on this survey we estimate that about of the college students smokes. And a confidence interval is . So we know that our estimative for the smoking rate is in the confidence interval with certainty. We also know the estimative for the smoking rate in the general population is . So we can write the two possible hypothesis:
Smoking rate is equal to .
Smoking rate is not equal to .
We will reject the null hypothesis if the estimate doesn't fall into the confidence interval for the college students smoking rate.
Since this condition holds we reject the null hypothesis. So with certainty we say that the smoking rate for the general population is different than the smoking rate for the college students.
espero que sea de tu agrado la tarea que te estoy enviando
soy de peru
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