The partition of Africa (also called, with term less aseptic scramble for Africa, but better known in English as the scramble for Africa, translated into "the elbowing for Africa") was the proliferation of claims on the European African territories between 1880 and the beginning of World War I, the so-called period of the New imperialism.
<span>In the second half of the nineteenth century it took place the transition from imperialism "informal" control through military influence and economic dominance, that of direct rule in the territory. It is in these years the birth of colonial states proper.
Confucianism is a humanist religion that developed in response to Buddhism and Taoism and was based on the teachings of the philosopher Confucius who lived from 551-479 BCE. Much of the teaching is based on virtues and ways of living your life.
Once you start your 2nd paragraph giving evidence to support your claim you then do a counterargument paragraph
Solicit support
Politicians use the internet to connect with their supporters and to get their support. The internet enables politicians to share their ideals with would be supporters and win over their support. This can be through social networking sites and blogs
Oh wow that’s a big step I wish luck to u