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- Access to a larger market
- Increase in production of goods
- Loss of jobs in developed countries
- Depletion of natural resources.
On the one hand, a global market means that a company or firm can potentially reach a larger market to sell its products and services. And in turn, make more profit. On the other hand, it also means that the competition is global and that a firm has to compete in this larger market with hundreds of firms. This often means that to be competitive, companies have to lower their costs. One easy way of doing that is by outsourcing or moving parts of their production process to countries with lower salaries. This leads to the loss of jobs in the home countries.
The increased competition and the larger market also mean that more goods are produced at a better price for the customer. However, this production can easily get out of hand and deplete natural resources.
The theory of natural selection was explored by 19th-century naturalist Charles Darwin. Natural selection explains how the genetic traits of a species may change over time. This may lead to speciation, the formation of a distinct new species.
logging, shipbuilding, and textiles production
logging: process of cutting wood and moving trees to a location for transport.
shipbuilding: the art of building a ship
textiles production: making things out of yarn and returning things back to the state of yarn
Corps of Discovery traveled from the central United States Northwest to the Pacific.
The states they passed through on their route on today's map would be:
South Dakota
North Dakota
Washington State
Members of the Corps of Discovery was commissioned by Thomas Jefferson and included Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. The objective was to study the land and its offering to learn how the Louisiana Purchase could be profitable.