I believe the answer is D) with his cunning tricks. Beowulf and his army pretended to be asleep when Grendel came, when in fact they were awake and waited for him to come so that they can kill him.
A isn't correct because no sword could hurt Grendel.
B isn't correct because no mocking words were said.
C isn't correct because no magic was used.
Just because you give up the first,second or even third time it doesn't mean they lack of achievement failure it just means they need to try harder the next time and try not to do what they did the first or second time then they will achieve
<u>Question 1: </u></h3>
Answer: The correct option is A (Tom seems to be a white supremacist who is afraid of losing his livelihood to minority groups.)
<h3><u>Question 5:</u></h3>
Answer: The correct option is B (Tom has a mistress.)
<h3><u>Question 6:</u></h3>
Answer: The correct statement is 4 (‘She might have the decency not to telephone him at dinner-time. Don’t you think?’)
Question 7:</u></h3>
Answer: The correct option is D (Owner of a run-down auto shop)
Question 8:</u></h3>
Answer: The correct option is C (informed about something secret or not generally known)
Question 9:</u></h3>
Answer: The correct option is C (An ancient eye doctor whose advertisement still stands in the Valley of Ashes)
Question 10:</u></h3>
Answer: The correct option is A (God staring down upon and judging American society as a moral wasteland)
Question 11:</u></h3>
Answer: The correct option is A (a mild rebuke or criticism)
An act of recording information or data in written format from sources and platforms at one place is called note-taking. It encourages a dynamic understanding of topics and helps in organizing material for examinations.
The method that is most useful for lessons is:
Option D. Sequential note-taking
The method can be explained as:
- <u>Highlighting </u>is used in notes to mark and emphasize some keywords or topics.
- <u>Checklists </u>are made in notes to indicate items and for verification or inspection for later use.
- <u>Conceptual note-making </u>includes topics and mater written in concept map formats that make the notes look organized and in order.
- <u>Sequential note -making</u> is the most distinctive type in which the ideas gets added on as we move down the page on a particular topic.
Thus, sequential note-making should be used.
To learn more about note - making follow the link: