Ah, I remember this! It's the answer "Herbie was dreaming during REM sleep".
2-3 years after Bachelors( bachelors is 4 years)
To become a psychologist, you must have completed your four years of university education, which is Bachelors degree, which during this period, you get to know the fundamentals of psychology, the tools and gimmicks of psychology. after this, you then go for your masters in psychology, where you advance your understanding and practice of psychology.
So To become a psychologist, you must have concluded both your bachelors and masters education before you can be assign or employed or regards as a psychologist.
This would take 6-7 years to become a psychologist depending on your masters education.
Polling Place
Your precinct is the region assigned to the local library
The election board is the group of people responsible for your municipality
The voting booth is the structure within the polling place where you would choose the candidates.
I think that they are a long-day plant