Thoracic cavity or chest cavity consists of a thoracic wall that protects the heart and lungs, which are the important organs of our body. Diaphragm, that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity, forms the floor of the chest cavity and helps in the respiration process.
The answer is below
1. People often postpone dying until they've "said goodbye to their loved ones."
2. The activities involving nature that could help someone who is grieving is "Taking a walk in the woods."
3. Some things a young person should know before visiting a dying friend or relative in the hospital are:
* The dying relative may die at any time during or immediately after their visit
* Be ready for a change of plans at any moment
* Be ready to handle silence
* Have something to say about shared memories
* Come with treats
4. Alzheimer: this is a type of disease associated with loss of memory and it is a common cause of Dementia
5. Grieving people need love and support most.
6. Some of the things research found out about contentment in the elderly compared to young adults are:
* Older people derive happiness in small things
* They value meaningful relationships
* They easily volunteer
1.) Emotional Hostages
3.) Financial Burdens
Wear gown, gloves, mask, and goggles