<span>sentence 7
</span><span>"Although drama had its ups and downs in the years that followed, it was at last firmly established as an acceptable and valuable form of literature.</span><span>"
A thesis statement should be the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. The paragraph highlights different ways drama has begun to change. This sentence explains that the essay is going to be about the struggles of drama, but how it has become valued.
The definition of ardor is a way of feeling or acting that is energetic and exciting.
An example of ardor is a passionate speech.
-It was widely believed that tomatoes would incite ardor in those who consumed them
-I could not take my gaze off that beautiful face, which was all aflame with the ardor of love.
I love food like cupcakes
I also love tacos
but i don't like fakes
and not really nachos
but these are foods
that i like and take time to chew
alright i´m not gonna use 45 to 50 words but think of something that interests you and isn´t boring to others maybe try like police brutality something that is an issue in society today.