Corona Virus is helping the environment because people aren't constantly driving around and polluting the air. The economy, however, is dropping due to people not working and not making money and therefore, not spending as much money.
The Z lines and H- zone shortens during the muscle contraction.
Sarcomere is the area between the two Z lines. The Z- lines are present in the centre of I - band and H - zone is present in the A - band. The actin filaments which are thin filaments present in I- band and contracts, slide over the myosin filament during contraction.
The I - band, H- zones are became shortens as they are thin than the A- band. It is anisotropic band having thick myosin filaments. They are not flexible and remain in its constant shape during the muscle contraction.
After the muscle contraction, the A- band and the H- zone comes to their original shape. In other words, the sarcomere shortens and comes back during muscle contraction, and relaxation.