Animals or Plants
Describe two types of living things that biologists could study. Think about types of living things that are not in the ocean — what categories of living things are on land?(5 points)Two types could be animals and plants. Different categories that I know of are like reptiles, birds, and amphibians. 4.
I believe the primary determinant of basal metabolic rate is the Lean Body Mass. Basal metabolic is the rate of energy expenditure per unit time by animals at rest. It comprises the processes that the body requires to function. It is the amount of energy per unit time that a person need to keep the body operational at a state of rest.
Abiotic factors can all be measured to show the living conditions in an ecosystem.
Light meters can be used to measure light intensity. ...
Errors can be made when measuring light intensity by accidentally shading the light meter. ...
Soil moisture and soil pH meters are also available.
Sound cannot travel through a vacuum. A vacuum is an area without any air, like space. So sound cannot travel through space because there is no matter for the vibrations to work in.