Interrupted time series
According to Wikipedia, Interrupted time series analysis, sometimes known as quasi-experimental time series analysis, is an approach for the analysis of a single time series of data known or conjectured to be affected by interventions (controlled external influences).It refer to the specific point at which the intervention was implemented and allow researchers to examine the effect of an intervention where multiple observations are obtained prior to the intervention to establish a baseline.
This is part of the phenomenon of "Perceptual constancy".
Perceptual constancy, likewise called Object Constancy, or Constancy Phenomenon, the inclination of creatures and people to see recognizable questions as having standard shape, size, shading, or area paying little heed to changes in the point of viewpoint, separation, or lighting.
Omar has developed an intervention to improve the relationship between parents and their preschool-aged children. To evaluate the effectiveness of his intervention, Omar video-records parents interacting with their children and has two research assistants score the level of warmth in each interaction. Omar then compares the two sets of scores to examine <u>interrater
</u> reliability. He finds a high positive correlation of <u>r = .87</u>
between the two raters’ scores. If the observers were rating a categorical variable, Omar could have also looked at the <u>kappa</u> statistic.
The correct answer is the physical environment
There are several factors that contribute to change and innovation in a society: factors internal to the society itself or external factors of the environment that surrounds it. Nowadays, the extreme importance of the relationship between society and its environment has become very clear. The environment is not only a crucial source for the maintenance of society with its climatic and geographic characteristics in general, its natural wealth, its sources of energy, its flora and fauna, all functioning as a set of conditions in relation to which the society must adapt. In this process, society can interact with its environment in different ways and directions: either contributing to improve or to worsen and impair its living conditions. Changes in the environment end up forcing changes in society. Societies, throughout history, have needed to adjust to changes in the environment. This is an unquestionable adaptation process.
The environment to which a society must adapt also includes other societies with which it maintains contact. A major change in one tends to trigger a chain process with consequences for the others and forcing adjustments and innovations.
But there are other sources of change. The dynamics of forces within societies, which are part of the human condition itself, prevent society from remaining permanently stable. First, in the transmission of cultural heritage from one generation to another, changes of various types occur. As we saw earlier, individuals are not passive in forming habits, learning customs and receiving information as they grow and develop. Human beings are apparently, by their very nature, motivated to try new patterns of action. Motivation is often the simple curiosity that can be intensified by the cultural world. Or, the motivation may be simple material self-interest. Men seek to maximize their rewards, that is, to earn more and better as a result of their actions. In this way, experimentation and innovations are inevitable.
Carbon sequestration, the long-term storage of carbon in plants, soils, geologic formations, and the ocean. Carbon sequestration occurs both naturally and as a result of anthropogenic activities and typically refers to the storage of carbon that has the immediate potential to become carbon dioxide gas.