A minor key usually has a lowered or raised third. Just figure out the chord which is fairly easy. then lower or raise the third or middle note of the chord until it sounds minor. Or you can just play the scale with all the flats or sharps in it. either way.
Option b. neoclassicism-virtue of the common hero
This is a newly rediscovered Greco-Roman ideals that draw inspiration from the "classical" art and culture of ancient Greece or ancient Rome. The main Neoclassical movement happened with the 18th century Age of Enlightenment and continued in the early 19th century, competing with Romanticism. In architecture, the style continued throughout 19th century, 20th century and to the 21st century.
a color combination that causes an eyesore.
It is a color scheme that causes eyesores. Blue combinations are often associated as and Asynchronous color scheme .