Normally tree rings will disappear, damage, or go missing when the tree doesn't have enough nutrients, another factor that contributes to that is drought.
plz attach answer choices, i will revise my answer
False. They form a V formation so that it will lower their heart rate and make it easier to go longer distances. And when they are in a V formation, it results in wind resistance.
lost-update program
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that this is an example of the database problem known as lost-update program. This term refers to when more than one individual is attempting to update a database entry within the same column and same row, at the same time. This causes the first entry that was saved by the system to be completely overwritten and lost. Such as what happened to Irene's report since it was saved first and then overwritten by Charle's report.
This is all about dominant and recessive genes. According to the picture it looks like the yellow flowers have the dominant genes YY and the green flowers the recessive yy. You breeded the YY with the yy to get Yy. Now you have a plant with the dominant and recessive gene. The green flowers are recessive so if you breed 'y' with anything you get yellow flowers whether they only have the'Y' gene or the both 'Y' and 'y'.