Following are some of the possible consequences of mutations:
1. Some of the mutations take place in proteins that play an essential role in the function of cells, and thus, the cell dies.
2. Some mutations result in the origination of new traits like red hair.
3. Some mutations take place in genes, which monitor the division of cell and thus cells start to divide out of control, resulting in cancer.
4. Some of the mutations may be beneficial and may offer some benefit to the organism in some of the environments. These advantageous mutations may be encouraged by natural selection and are the basis for the evolution of life on Earth.
The object (Theia) was about the size of Mars.
- DNA and RNA are made up of monomers called nucleotides. - DNA and RNA both have 3 nitrogenous bases: Adenine, Cytosine and Guanine. - DNA and RNA both have a phosphate groups in their nucleotides. Sometimes called phosphoric acid.Feb 18, 2009
C.Natural Selection would be the answer