club drugs: lsd cause rapid heart rate
hallucinogens: bath salts causes hallucinations and can be dangerous to self and others
The Coriolis Effect can be seen in action in the general circulation of the atmosphere. The winds at all latitudes to the north of 0° deflect to the right of their intended path in the Northern Hemisphere. The Coriolis Effect does not impact the wind speed, only the wind direction.
theyed eventually become extinct because they are unable to reproduce
There are many environmental negative direct outcomes of unused excess nitrogen from nitrogenous fertilizers. One of these is eutrophication. Eutrophication is the excessive richness of nutrients in a water body as a result of fertilizer run offs from the land, which causes a dense growth of plants in the water. Other negative outcomes are: green house effects, acid rain and contamination of underground water which has negative effects on human health.
Based on a ruler in centimeters, with ten divisions between each centimer mark, you will have marks at every 0.1 cm.
Then, the measure of the length of a metal rod should have 1 decimal place.
That decimal place means mlimiters, given that 1 mm = 0.1 cm.
Answer: 1 decimal place