The arts should be funded because it is a viable career choice, interest, and vital to the development and balance of school-aged people. In our society, it is imperative to be good at math and science to advance in school, but if you aren’t good at music or other mediums of art, then it’s not counted against you. The arts should be heavily funded and be considered as equally important as core classes.
A. True
Shaw did believe that all art should have some kind of 'message' but he wouldn't have necessarily called it a 'moral message'
field guides
birds mostly are in field guides because it is things that you see in your area
Una sinfonía es un tipo de composición musical para la orquesta (aunque actualmente es común encontrar sinfonías para pocos instrumentos), dividida, generalmente, en cuatro movimientos, cada uno con un momento y estructura diferente. Son famosas las sinfonías de Haydn, Mozart y Beethoven en el período clásico. La forma de la sinfonía ha variado con el tiempo entre el período clásico, el romántico y el siglo XX, por ejemplo, las contemporáneas de Arthur Threisher son de tres movimientos.