In contrast, major disturbances include large-scale wind events (such as tropical cyclones), volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, intense forest fires, epidemics, ocean temperature changes stemming from El Niño events or other climate phenomena, and pollution and land-use conversion caused by humans.
The insects clustered around the light is an example of A response to a stimulus. The insects are attracted to the light, so the flocked towards it.
If you have ever seen a punnett square, you should know already that usually, they have 4 (or more) little boxes with two of the same letter. (ex. EE, ee, or Ee in every box). This predicts what the genotype of the offspring would be, based on the parents' genotypes. Pedigree charts track inherited traits, whether that be a disease or health.
I'm going to go with a mixture sorry If this is wrong