Try to clap when you say it okay!!!
1. Free at Last: the Civil Rights Legacy by Franklin Abbadoon.
2. Selma, Lord, Selma by Regina King.
3. The Civil Rights Era in America by Jeffrey Maclean.
Works cited must be organized alphabetically by the LAST name of every author.
Its the one that sounds the best that you really like doing so thats what i think about.
Unlike protons and neutrons, which are located inside the nucleus at the center of the atom, electrons are found outside the nucleus. Because opposite electric charges attract each other, negative electrons are attracted to the positive nucleus.Of the four natural forces, known as the strong, weak, gravity and electromagnetic forces, the aptly named strong force dominates over the other three and has the job of holding the atomic nucleus together.
On a sunny day in the park, children were fascinated as they watched a man juggle colorful bowling pins.
i just took the test sry that it was late:(