Repair mechanism for base cleavage (BER)
Repair by base cleavage (BER)
The altered bases are specifically recognized by glycosylases and removed, generating an AP site. The hole is filled by a DNA polymerase that takes the healthy strand as a template. This system arises not only by exposure to external agents, but also by the cell's own activity.
In case of damage in more than one nucleotide, repair by nucleotide excision (NER) is performed.
Nucleotide excision repair (NER)
The damaged area is recognized by UvrA and B, then A and B separate and UvrC enters which forms a complex with endonuclease activity with B. This enzyme cuts the T-dimer and the gap is filled by a DNA polymerase. There is also the TC-NER system (transcription-coupled nucleotide repair system). The alteration of these mechanisms gives rise to diseases such as: Xeroderma pigmentosum, Trichotiodystrophy or Cockayne Syndrome
That is the main difference between sexual and asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction just means combining genetic material from two parents. Asexual reproduction produces offspring genetically identical to the one parent.
Linnaeus. Carolus Linnnaeus is a Swedish naturalist whose lasting achievement is binomial nomenclature; it is a system of naming and classifying plants and animals according to genus and species.
<span>The segregation of alleles occurs during meiosis I or option C "meiosis." M</span>eiosis is<span> a specialized type of cell division that reduces the chromosome number by half. Which is where it separates the twenty-four chromosomes twelve from your Father twelve from your Mother.
Hope this helps!
A salt is an ionic compound which needs a positive charge ion and a negative ion charge to form a salt.This means that the pair of element should be a metal and non-metal.This is simply because metal atoms tend to lose negative charge electrons and form positive ions while non-metals tend to receive the electrons from the metal atom to form negative charge ions.So answer is Cl and Li.