Try and organize another negotiation with your teacher but try to not get the other student there, because they can make you more angry and could cause an outburst from you making you look more guilt, when asking for another meeting be calm and negotiable as well as not defensive.
Answer: Vaginal dryness
The uterine fibroids are the benign tumors that develop in the womb or uterus. The gonadotrophin-releasing hormone is used to shrink the fibroids. The vaginal dryness is one of the side effects with which the GnRH medications are associated with. The vaginal dryness will be extremely uncomfortable. It can cause itching, and burning sensation. This occurs due to low estrogen level in the body, estrogen is responsible for the lubrication of the vagina.
The nurse must monitor the vaginal dryness in the client as it can be uncomfortable.
A urinary system contains 2 ureters