By the definition for the absolute value,

So for the compound function

, there are three intervals to consider. What happens when

? when

? when

You have
Just two corrections! See attached image.
Step-by-step explanation:
The product of 8 and b taken <u>from</u> 10 means begin with 10 and subtract 8b from it.
8 times the difference of 10 and b means find 10 - b first, <u>then</u> multiply by 8.
The equation is AN=A1+D(N-1) A1 being the first number (2) D being the difference (in this case 5) and N being the nth term to find (34) so here you have AN=2+5(34-1) then AN=2+5(33). the answer here is 167.
The answer should be 0.875.