yes it's important because if we have regular check ups regarding in maintaining our health we will ensure that we are physically healthy. Regular Dental Check ups can help us to keep our teeth strong, away from bacteria and clean, and by the help of that we can easily eat foods without indigestion problems
The statement that’s most accurately reflects the views of Frederick Bartlett Is “Memory is not an objective and accurate representation of events but rather a highly personal reconstruction based on one’s own beliefs, ideas, and point of view.”
Some of the most common disaster health issues include water and sanitation, communicable diseases, dysfunctional health facilities, mental health problems, and population displacement.
Well it’s taken religion as an example, in The Christian religion it is well known that we must not judge and not disrespect our parents in anyway, This may influence our daily Decisions and important life choices such as not disrespecting someone’s out and so on and so forth. Another example I can give you is The way your parents raised you, I believe there’s a study that states that you were most likely to raise your own child as your parents raised you Which is a great example of how values influence the decisions you make. Have a great day <3
For the oxygen created and for the ridding of CO2 that is "used up" in the process