Rich media display campaign
I will run the rich media display campaign. This is a digital advertising method that uses ads with features that includes, videos, audio, etc, that may interest viewers to be engaged with my content. An ad like this will give room for my audience to be involved through the ad. The consumers are likely to take different forms of action after going through an ad like rich media compared to others.
Simple interest means that you only need to find the interest once and then keep adding it on every year. In this case, the interest would be 2.75% of $4000 every year, which is 110.
In 2 years, you'll have 220 because every year you gain 110 in interest.
The cost principle means that in accounting, any transaction is recorded at the historical purchase price.
A fair value is the amount at which an asset could be exchanged in an arm´s length transaction between knowledgeable and willing parties.
Revaluation of fixed assets is not allowed for GAAP.
An appreciated value is an increase in the value of an asset over time.
A market value is the price at which a product or service could be sold in a competitive, open market.
The systematic portion of the unexpected return is 1.180% and the unsystematic portion was 0.288%
E(R) = 0.034 + 1.18*(0.108 - 0.034) = 0.12132
R - E(R) = 0.136 - 0.12132 = 0.01468
RM - E(RM) = 0.118 - 0.108 = 0.01
[RM - E(RM)] * Beta = 0.01 * 1.18 = 0.0118 = 1.180%
[R - E(R)] - [RM - E(RM)] * Beta = 0.01468 * 0.0118 = 0.00288 = 0.288%