An MBO is a secondary vocational education program carried out in the Netherlands. It lasts for four years and its courses go from assistant training, basic vocational training, professional training and finally middle-management training. It is basically the dutch equivalent of technical college, since you start the MBO when you are around 18 years old. After you complete your MBO you can continue your college education.
The MBO covers a lot of professions but it is basically hands on training, since between 20 -60% of the time is practical training (they work as someone else's assistant or trainee).
Isabella is her boss's trainee and since she is about to graduate, she must start training 2 new assistants.
Business communication is information sharing between people within and outside an organization that is preformed for the commercial benefit of the organization.
A globalization change in a relationship affecting a government
business process
Business process are plans, task that are carried out by an organization or its subunits whose end result is to attain the goals of the organization. Business process are often times a repetition of certain work processes, which is subject to continuous update for effective result.
Some aspects of business process includes business support; which provides support to the business arm of a firm in terms of processing while operational process is the major business part of the business process.