MOD means the remainder after a division calculation.
The remainder is 3
AMPERE - a unit of measure for the flow of the current in a circut
Scripting languages are unique computer languages because they automate task that could be done by human operator and are easy to use.
<h3>What is a scripting language?</h3>
Scripting languages are programming languages that is interpreted.
They are programming languages that automates the task that will originally be performed by a human operator.
Scripting languages are used to give instruction to other software to run accordingly to how you want it.
The scripting language is different form other language base on the fact that its interpreted . This means the code are translated to machine code when it is run.
The major advantage of scripting languages is that it is human readable and understandable.
Examples of scripting languages are Python and JavaScript.
learn more on scripting here:
The statement is as follows:
Statement to print 1234567.456 as 1,234,567.5
To do this, we make use of the format keyword, and we set the print format in the process.
To round up number to 1 decimal place, we use the following format:
To include comma in the thousand place, we simply include a comma sign before the number of decimal place of the output; i.e. before 1
So, the print statement is: