see below
The program of interest is the function "findMode[x, n]" in the attached. It is written the Wolfram Language of Mathematica.
The basic idea is that the data in the array is sorted. The sorted array is partitioned into sets of identical elements, and the number in each of those sets is counted. The maximum of those counts is the mode. The location of the maximum count corresponds to the location of the set having that count. We use that location information to pull out the mode value(s).
If there is more than one mode, all are reported.
An example data array is provided, along with the program output.
Yum sounds like a good idea
Answer: B. Perform a hash on the file for comparison with the vendor’s hash.
Before installing the firmware update, the step that the technician should perform to ensure file integrity is to perform a hash on the file for comparison with the vendor’s hash.
Hashing refers to the algorithm that is used for the calculation of a string value from a file. Hashes are helpful in the identification of a threat on a machine and when a user wants to query the network for the existence of a certain file.
A medida que crece un árbol, la mayoría de las células de madera se alinean con el eje del tronco, la rama o la raíz. Estas células están compuestas por haces largos y delgados de fibras, aproximadamente 100 veces más largas que anchas. Esto es lo que le da a la madera su dirección de grano.
La madera es más fuerte en la dirección paralela al grano. Debido a esto, las propiedades de resistencia y rigidez de los paneles estructurales de madera son mayores en la dirección paralela al eje de resistencia que perpendicular a él